On October 27, 2001, Dino Labiste and Dick Baugh were invited
by Interpretive Specialist, Jennifer Morgan, to participate in
the First Annual Native California Fall Gathering at San Luis
Reservoir State Recreation Area . We were to demonstrate the many
uses of Tule and construct two tule boats (also called tule balsas)
made out of the versatile and buoyant reeds.
On Friday, the day before the event, Dino and Dick, along with
Kimberly and Ben Cunningham-Summerfield, demonstrated to 115 school
children from Los Banos and Gustine the native skills of the California
Indians that lived in the Valley centuries before the kids were
born. Dino and Dick taught the children how to make little tule
boats. Kimberly, who is on the Indian cultural staff at Yosemite
National Park, demonstrated the preparation of acorns, from the
grinding process through cooking.
On Saturday, the day of the event, two single-person tule boats were built. At 4 pm, the tule boats were put into the water as Dino and Dick paddled around the San Luis Forebay.
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© PrimitiveWays 2013