Kule Loklo



Kule Loklo (bear valley) is an interpretive Coast Miwok village at Bear Valley Visitor Center in Point Reyes National Seashore. Kule Loklo is co-sponsored by the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria (Coast Miwok) and the National Park Service.


Kotca (place where people live)
Coast Miwok houses, or kotca, were made of various materials.
Extended families of five or more individuals might have lived in one structure.


Kole Kotca (thatched house)


Assembly house for dances and ceremonies.


Umpa (acorns) were the staple food of the Coast Miwok Indians.
The umpa were gathered in the fall. Hundreds of pounds of umpa were stored in granaries for future use.


Lamma (sweat lodge)
Large sweat lodges were used by men for both spiritual and physical cleansing.
Women were generally not permited to enter. Smaller family sweat lodges were used by both sexes.



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