ll things are interrelated.
Everything in the universe is a part of a single whole. Everything
is connected in some way to everything else. It is therefore possible
to understand something only if we can understand how it is connected
to everything else.
We are not separate from our environment, but interconnected.
Only in our minds are we separate from the whole. We are individuals,
but in order to exist we must have relationships with all our
relatives. In every moment of our existence, we are in a relationship
with something: the gardener with his vegetables, the violinist
with her music, the hunter with that he pursues. This concept
of relationship carries through all levels of existence.
Nature is our greatest teacher. In the great outdoors, we learn
about ourselves and learn to care for the land we all use. The
more a society becomes isolated from their environment, the less
respect they have for the earth and themselves.
In learning native skills, let's not forget that plants, as well as minerals and other living organisms on earth, also serves a purpose other than that of human utilization. With this in mind, let's utilize nature's bounties wisely by not taking more than what is needed and by not wasting what is taken.
© KAHIKO Arts 2020