![]() |
P. O. Box 82, Sunol, CA 94586 Information: (510) 530-8241 E-mail: Atlatl1@aol.com or Svisit@ebparks.org Reservations: (510) 636-1684 |
Basketry Basics Course #8728
Experience the variety of California Indian basketry styles, then
get hands on. We will spend an hour or so learning to split willow
for finer projects, then use whole shoot sandbar willow to make
a woodpecker trap and/or a small storage basket. Ages 15 and up.
Registration required - call (510) 636-1684 for reservations.
Meet Norm Kidder at the Sunol Visitor Center.
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Fee: $45 ($51 for non-Alameda or non-Contra Costa County residents)
Instructor: Norm Kidder
The Hunter-Gatherer Hike Course
Transport yourself back in time as we walk the park in the role
of Stone Age Californians. We will make basic tools while searching
for food, fiber, fire, medicine and shelter. Ages 10 and up. Registration
required - call (510) 636-1684 for reservations. Meet Norm Kidder
at the Sunol Visitor Center.
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Fee: $25 ($29 for non-Alameda or non-Contra Costa County residents)
Instructor: Norm Kidder
Sunol Spring Wildflower Festival
Call 925-862-2601 for a complete schedule.
11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Coyote Hills Spring Butterfly Festival
Call 510-795-9385 for more information.
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
The 21st Annual
Rattlesnake Rendezvous
Join our intrepid band of primitives for a weekend of Stone Age
living skills. Aside from modern sleeping gear and clothing, we
will attempt to experience the "OLD" ways. Learn fire
making, flint knapping, cordage, cooking (no metal pots, pans
or grills allowed), and so much more. Ages 10 and up (or permission
of instructor). Registration required - call (510) 636-1684 for
reservations. Meet at the Sunol Visitor Center at Sunol-Ohlone
Regional Wilderness. Contact Norm Kidder at (925) 862-2600 for
more information.
MAY 27-29
Noon or Evening (Friday) - 6:00 pm (Sunday)
Fee: $80/Adult, $40/Child ($88/44 for non-Alameda or non-Contra
Costa County residents)
Instructors: Norm Kidder and the Friends of Primitive Technology
The Coyote Hills
Join the Friends of Primitive Technology and local Flint Knappers
for a weekend of rock breaking. Learn to make a basic cutting
tool from masters of the craft, or watch a demonstration of fire
making or atlatl throwing. If you want to come and demonstrate,
contact Ken Peek at 510-537-1215. If you want to come by, then
just come by. For information and directions, call the park at
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
These activities are organized by individual members
of the Society of Primitive Technology as gatherings of friends.
Call them to become a friend and sign up.
Beachcombing with Bob
Contact Bob Pratt at (510) 793-6110 for time and meeting
Betsy Never Felt Better
Learn the art of felting wool. Contact Chuck and Betsy Kritzon
at (916) 781-3822 for time, meeting place and materials
Learn About Blowguns
with Dick Baugh
Learn how to make and use a blowgun. We will cover everything
from hi-tech metal/plastic to medium-tech wood models made with
power tools to the Cherokee rivercane type. Darts range from a
nail with a paper cone to bamboo skewers wrapped with cotton.
There will be a small materials fee depending on exactly what
you make.
"I started playing with blowguns over fifty years ago. I'd
love to see someone else have some fun with them." Contact
Dick Baugh at (650) 493-5125 or e-mail him at oldfellah37@msn.com
for more information.
The Beads Go
On with Ken, Chuck and the Betsys
Learn the skill of making beads from natural materials. Call Ken
Peek at (510-537) 1215 or Chuck Kritzon at (916) 781-3822
or e-mail chuckk@petroglyphics.com for more information.
The Rabbitstick Rendezvous
A week of primitive skills instruction in Rexburg, Idaho. The
oldest and biggest primitive technology gathering of its kind.
Contact Dave Wescott at dwescot@aol.com, or click on the
link at www.primitiveways.com.
Out of Your Gourds with Ken, Chuck and the Betsys
Join Ken & Betsy Peek and Chuck & Betsy Kritzon for an
informal day of gourd-crafting. Gourds can be easily crafted into
bowls, cups, instruments, and much more the sky's the limit!
Learn about growing, cleaning, burning, coloring, and decorating
gourds using a variety of techniques. For more details contact
Ken at (510) 537-1215 or Chuck Kritzon at (916) 781-3822
or e-mail chuckk@petroglyphics.com for more information.
E-mail your comments to "Norm Kidder " at atlatl1@aol.com
© PrimitiveWays 2005